Maintaining a healthy lawn all year can be tough when the weather is constantly changing. Living in a location where each season brings its own set of challenges can be a bit overwhelming. You may want to throw in the towel and call it quits on your seasonal lawn care methods. Before you do that though, we want to let you know that with the right timing and appropriate lawn care maintenance, you can make sure your lawn has everything it needs to prosper!

Seasonal Landscaping Maintenance

Summer Lawn Care

The heat can cause some real damage to your lawn. Some things to keep in mind when caring for your lawn this summer include:

  • Water your lawn when the sun isn’t out so that lessens the chance of evaporation
  • Fertilize your lawn when it’s damp so that your lawn soaks up all the nutrients
  • Keep a consistent mowing frequency. It’s better to mow every two weeks than doing a large cut every month.
  • Use your ‘cides’. By applying herbicides and pesticides you are kicking out the insects and weeds
  • Keep your grass a little longer than in other seasons so the blades are able to retain a little more moisture

Fall Lawn Care

Fall is a busy time of year when the kids go back to school and life begins to ramp up, but there is no excuse not to care for your lawn. This is an important time to do lawn care maintenance as this is right before your landscape goes into dormant. Adding the necessary nutrients and lawn care it needs, will make it easier to take care of in the spring.

Here are some lawn care seasonal maintenance for the fall season.

  • Dethatch and rake to get rid of all the dead debris
  • Seed the lawn so that it can come back healthy next year
  • Pay attention to bare spots! This is when they really become prevalent
  • Mow and water your lawn as needs

Winter Lawn Care

Winter is everyone’s favorite season as far as lawn care is concerned because this is the time of year it needs to least amount of attention. Nonetheless, is still important to:

  • Remove any leftover leaves from the fall
  • Aerate and fertilize it before the first frost
  • Only mow when it’s not too muddy
  • Cut the grass shorter during winter to help with aeration (opposite of summer)
  • If your lawn is struggling with the excess rainfall, consider a rain garden

Spring Lawn Care

Spring is an important time of the year for lawn care because it sets up the health of your lawn for the rest of your year. Some good maintenance tips for this time of year are:

  • If you’re able, test the soil to see if any nutrients are needed for the spring-growth period
  • Remove dead grass by dethatching
  • Provide oxygen and moisture to the soil by aerating
  • As spring continues and the weather starts to warm up, start mowing regularly to keep the grass healthy
  • Make sure to start watering your lawn throughout the spring

End Note:

Even though navigating lawn care by season can be a tricky task, it is still worth it to invest the time and energy into having a healthy lawn. Having a healthy lawn not only adds value to your home but your quality of life. A robust lawn has been proven to improve air and water quality, control soil erosion, and promote soil health.

At Landcrafters, we work hard to provide the best value in landscape maintenance, brick and stone masonry, tree planting, and all outdoor landscape design. We believe that it is never “just” a backyard, but an extension of your home.